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23rd March 2022
13:25 to 13:30 Zoom Meeting Opens
13:30 to 13:35 Welcome Clare Merritt (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
13:35 to 13:40 Introduction Mike Cates (University of Cambridge)
13:40 to 13:45 Short Overview of RAMP work on Epidemic Modelling Graeme Ackland (University of Edinburgh)
Session 1:   (Chair: Gianpaolo Scalia Tomba (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
13:45 to 14:15 Why Does a Variant Die Out When a Better One Arrives (What are they Competing for in an Exponentially Expanding Epidemic? Jasmina Panovska-Griffiths (University of Oxford), (University College London)
14:15 to 14:45 JUNE - an individual based model Ian Vernon (Durham University)
14:45 to 15:00 Break
Session 2:    (Chair: Clare Merritt (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
15:00 to 15:30 EXCELling with COVID-19 data David Wallace (University of Cambridge)
15:30 to 16:00 Developing a case-data driven compartment model for Nowcasting and Medium Term Predictions in the covid epidemic Graeme Ackland (University of Edinburgh)
16:00 to 16:30 Space Matters in COVID-19 Modelling Rowland Kao (University of Edinburgh)
16:30 Close
24th March 2022
13:25 to 13:30 Zoom Meeting Opens
13:30 to 13:45 Welcome and Introduction Clare Merritt (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
Session 3:     (Chair: Daniela De Angelis (MRC Biostatistics Unit)
13:45 to 14:15 PyRoss project Ronojoy Adhikari (University of Cambridge)
14:15 to 14:45 The UKHSA/University of Cambridge Real-time Pandemic Modelling Project Paul Birrell (UK Health Security Agency), (MRC Biostatistics Unit), (The Alan Turing Institute)
14:45 to 15:00 Break
Session 4:      (Chair: Kirsty Bolton (University of Nottingham)
15:00 to 15:30 A New Approach for Parameter Estimation in Complex Epidemiological Models Chris Pooley (Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland (BioSS))
15:30 to 16:00 Composite Models and the Need to go Beyond just Modelling Epidemics to Understand Epidemics William Waites (University of Strathclyde)
16:00 to 16:15 Summary and Next Steps Graeme Ackland (University of Edinburgh)
Mike Cates (University of Cambridge)
16:15 Close