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The Isaac Newton Institute's Open for Business events are developed and delivered by the Newton Gateway to Mathematics and are specifically designed to bring together industrial, commercial and government organisations with mathematical scientists. They can be run as part of an ongoing research programme, or as an independent event.

Find out more on the INI website  

Open for Business Events

Industrial and Clinical Application of Cardiac Simulations: Quantifying Uncertainty in Model Predictions

Tuesday 4th June 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This knowledge exchange event by the Newton Gateway to Mathematics took place as part of the INI Research Programme on the Fickle Heart – within the workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Cardiovascular Simulations. This particular event opened up the discussion to a wider audience, including those working in biotechnology, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and the public sector.

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The Mathematics of Deep Learning and Data Science

Thursday 23rd May 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

Inspired by the meeting organised by the National Academy of Sciences on “The Science of Deep Learning”, this one day event aimed to bring people from academia and industry together to discuss the science and mathematics behind deep learning and data science.

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Soft Matter Materials - Mathematical Design Innovations

Monday 20th May 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This workshop aimed to highlight the importance of state-of-art mathematical modelling for complex soft matter material development. Models and basic understanding is not just of theoretical interest, but indeed is a key requirement for being able to access and further develop the true potential of these materials - to optimise them, to combine them into new materials, and to use them for creating new devices, with predefined abilities and behaviours.

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Managing Next Generation Energy Systems

Wednesday 1st May 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This knowledge exchange event featured a number of talks from academic researchers, as well as some from end users including transmission and distribution network operators. It provided an opportunity for those from industry and the public sector, to access state-of-the-art theory and methods for energy systems modeling, as well as to help foster links between the various communities.

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Mathematical Design for Solid Complex Materials

Wednesday 27th February 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This knowledge exchange workshop was part of the six months Research Programme at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) on The Mathematical design of new materials. It brought together mathematicians and scientists working in various areas of materials science and applied mathematics in order to initiate a systematic study of the optimal design of new complex materials.

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100% Renewables - Future Challenges in Energy Systems

Wednesday 23rd January 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This knowledge exchange workshop was part of the four months Research Programme at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) on The Mathematics for Energy Systems. Participants on this programme are interdisciplinary and key aims are to develop methodology which is urgent for the next several years and to sow the seeds of a lasting mathematical research agenda.

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Understanding Multi-Modal Data for Social and Human Behaviour

Tuesday 27th November 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

Real benefits to many areas of modern society arise if one can analyse, model and predict different aspects of social and human behaviours.  Techniques, such as those offered by RPT, increase the range of potential successes to include recognising human actions and understanding changing facial expressions.

This workshop aimed to increase awareness of what is possible, whether it be better mitigation of risks, management of outcomes, or supporting individuals in their daily lives, across the spectrum of social and human behaviour.

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Statistical Scalability for Streaming Data

Thursday 21st June 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

Challenges in streaming data arise in numerous fields – consumer products, financial transactions, computer network traffic, transport and communications networks and energy systems are just some of them. As with statistical scaling generally, this requires an integrated approach.

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Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems – Development in Theory and Methodologies

Friday 15th June 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a modern inter-disciplinary science that cuts across traditional research groups and combines statistics, numerical analysis and computational applied mathematics.
This workshop was part of the six month programme at the INI on  Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems: Theory and Methodologies and took place towards the end of the Programme,, it focused on disseminating the key outputs and highlighted some potential outcomes that could be taken forward. 

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Big Data and the Role of Statistical Scalability

Wednesday 28th February 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

This workshop was part of the six month programme at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) on Statistical Scalability. The Programme aimed to help address some of these issues by simultaneous consideration of the methodological, theoretical and computational challenges involved and the development of robust, scalable methods, crucial to unlocking the potential of Big Data.

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