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The Isaac Newton Institute's Open for Business events are developed and delivered by the Newton Gateway to Mathematics and are specifically designed to bring together industrial, commercial and government organisations with mathematical scientists. They can be run as part of an ongoing research programme, or as an independent event.

Find out more on the INI website  

Open for Business Events

Perspectives on Data Linkage - Techniques, Challenges and Applications

Friday 16th September 2016

Data linkage is the process of identifying and linking records about the same entity across one or more databases. However, there are benefits as well as challenges associated with data linkage. For instance, enabling linkage between two or more sources of information can help maximise the value of research data, as well as adding high value to existing surveys and effectively creating new data resources.

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Understanding the Mathematics and Physics of Cell Motility and Pattern Formation - Open for Business Event

Wednesday 9th December 2015

Cell motility, morphogenesis, and pattern formation are essential
features of cell dynamics. They involve biochemical processes and
biomechanical properties coupling multiscales
ranging from the intracellular level, cell surface dynamics,
cell-cell and cell-tissue interactions up to the scale of cell
population behaviour influencing organ formation and
functioning. Hence, there is a need to develop new predictive
mathematical models with the ability to handle large datasets of
biological events and process thereby providing a
powerful quantitative framework to understand these phenomena
across multiple scales.

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Design of Experiments in Drug Development - Open for Business Event

Thursday 9th July 2015

One of the most important areas in drug development is the design of
experiments. The better these are, the more efficient the trials. Such
efficiencies lead to fewer patients, shorter timeframes and reduced
costs. There is therefore a need for more seamless and complex adaptive
designs in drug development and mathematical and statistical
methodologies and models are key to such improvements.

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Understanding Microbial Communities - Developing the Potential - Open for Business Event

Thursday 4th December 2014

The importance of microbial communities for health, industry and the
natural environment cannot be overstated. Despite this, there is an
enormous gap between the levels of our empirical knowledge of microbial
communities' composition and experimental and theoretical understanding
of their function, structure, and dynamics. This is why the development
and advancement of combined mathematical and experimental approaches for
the study of microbial communities has a huge potential for this field.

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Systemic Risk and Macro-Prudential Regulation: Perspectives from Network Analysis Open for Business Event

Monday 13th October 2014

This Open for Business event was part of an Isaac Newton Institute
research programme on Systemic Risk and was co-organised with the Bank
of England and the Turing Gateway to Mathematics. This one day workshop
highlighted recent research contributions and regulatory initiatives,
with an emphasis on the role played by network models in understanding
systemic risk.

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Quantum Control Engineering: Mathematical Solutions for Industry Open for Business Event

Thursday 7th August 2014

We are currently entering a new technological era in which we are able
to build systems whose performance is limited by quantum physical
effects and in which it may be possible to exploit non-classical
phenomena in novel ways. This is reflected in the considerable recent
interest in engineering quantum systems and at the heart of this is the
development of a quantum control theory dedicated to extending classical
control to the quantum domain. Examples already utilising control of
one sort or another include quantum electromechanical systems, quantum
dots, cooper-pair boxes, superconducting interference devices, ion
traps, as well as a large selection of optical devices.

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Water Waves Theories and the Marine Industries Open for Business Event

Wednesday 30th July 2014

Water waves are a dramatic phenomenon that can impact every aspect of
life on the planet. At smaller length scales the ripples driven by
surface tension affect remote sensing. At intermediate length scales
waves in the mid-ocean affect shipping and near the shoreline they
control the coastal morphology and the ability to navigate along shore.
At larger length scales waves such as tsunamis and hurricane-generated
waves can cause devastation on a global scale.
From a mathematical viewpoint water waves pose challenges. The
governing equations for water waves are a widely accepted model and they
have been the subject of a wide range of research. However, the
equations are highly nonlinear and the level of difficulty is so great
that theory has yet to scratch the surface of the subject. The solutions
to the equations that describe fluid motion are elusive and whether
they even exist in the most general case is one of the most difficult
unanswered questions in mathematics. New methodologies are emerging,
computational approaches are becoming much more sophisticated and the
number of researchers at the highest international level involved is

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Infectious Disease Dynamics: Mathematical Modelling for Public Health Open for Business Event

Thursday 5th June 2014

Infectious diseases have a major impact on society through ill health
and associated economic and social disruption. Mathematical modelling
however plays an increasingly important role in helping to guide the
most high impact and cost-effective means of achieving public health

Public health programmes are usually implemented over a long
period of time with broad benefits to many in the community. Clinical
trials are seldom large enough to capture these effects. Observational
data may be used to evaluate a programme after it is underway, but have
limited value in helping to predict the future impact of a proposed
policy. Furthermore, public health decision-makers are often required to
respond to new threats, for which there is little previous data.
Computational and mathematical models can help to assess potential
threats and impacts early in the process, and later aid in interpreting
data from complex and multi-factorial systems. Models can also be used
to guide new policy for old diseases, such as when a new vaccine becomes
available. As such, models can be critical tools in guiding public
health action across a range of areas. However, there are a number of
challenges in achieving a successful interface between modelling and
public health.

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Metagenomics - Insights from Mathematical, Statistical & Computational Research - Open for Business Event

Monday 14th April 2014

The Turing Gateway to Mathematics held a half day event on
Metagenomics - Insights from Mathematical, Statistical and Computational
Research on Monday 14th April 2014. This Open for Business half day
event was part of an Isaac Newton Institute research programme which
brought together leading expertise in the multiple disciplines involved
in metagenomics. A key aim of this workshop was to highlight the latest
state-of-the art models and methods which have been developed in this
area and to share this information between industry and academic

Leading researchers from the programme covering areas such as
mathematics (including probability and statistics), the computer
sciences, biomedical sciences and biology were involved. Those taking
part heard about the latest models and techniques being developed and
how these translate to possible end user applications. The event
provided the opportunity for networking and investigating of potential

Examples of areas that were included in the discussion session were:

  • Methods for metagenome sequence assembly
  • New methods for microbial profiling of agricultural and industrial processes
  • The role that metagenomics is able to play in an industrial context.

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