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The Isaac Newton Institute's Open for Business events are developed and delivered by the Newton Gateway to Mathematics and are specifically designed to bring together industrial, commercial and government organisations with mathematical scientists. They can be run as part of an ongoing research programme, or as an independent event.

Find out more on the INI website  

Open for Business Events

Wave Scattering in Complex Matter: Advances in Material Characterisation and the Design of Materials

Wednesday 31st May 2023
Isaac Newton Institute

This Open for Business event was part of an INI programme on the Theory and Applications of Multiple Wave Scattering and aimed to build links between mathematical formulations of wave scattering, in direct and inverse forms, and practical implementations, focussing on acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic waves.

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Cancelled - Cloud, Code and Calculations: Software for Self-Driving Vehicles

Wednesday 1st March 2023
Isaac Newton Institute

This Open for Business workshop on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Software will feature technical talks exploring the mathematics, statistics and computing (machine learning and artificial intelligence) underlying world-leading AV technologies.

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New Mathematical Frontiers for Multi-Dimensional Radar Systems

Tuesday 21st February 2023 to Thursday 23rd February 2023
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences

This knowledge exchange workshop was delivered as part of the INI Programme on Rich and Nonlinear Tomography - a multidisciplinary approach (RNT). It was organised by the RNT Programme organisers, the Newton Gateway and ICMS with the NATO Science and Technology Organisation (STO).

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Physical Applications of Dispersive Hydrodynamics

Monday 12th December 2022
Møller Institute

This hybrid Open for Business event focused on applications of Dispersive Hydrodynamics related to Optics, Oceanography and Magnetism with an aim to bring together mathematicians and scientists working at the forefront of dispersive hydrodynamics and its applications, with end users from industry to further investigate potential connections.

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Liquid Metal Batteries

Tuesday 15th November 2022 to Wednesday 16th November 2022
Isaac Newton Institute

This knowledge exchange day was part of a four month research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute on Frontiers in dynamo theory: from the Earth to the stars. This programme emphasised the interplay between theory, numerical simulation and observations by bringing together applied mathematicians, stellar, solar and planetary scientists engaged in theory or observations, and experts from neighbouring fields.

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From Dispersive Hydrodynamics to Forecasting, Machine Learning and Back

Monday 24th October 2022
Isaac Newton Institute

This one-day event aimed to bring together mathematicians and scientists working at the forefront of Dispersive Hydrodynamics and its applications, with end users from industry to further investigate potential connections. This workshop featured a series of talks that cover two main session themes: Weather & Climate Forecasting and Oceanography and Random Networks and Machine Learning

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Advances in Numerical Modelling

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

The programme for the day represented the breadth of application areas where geometric and structure preserving numerical methods are used and included talks from both academic research and end-used perspectives from a number of application areas.

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Industrial Applications of Complex Analysis

Wednesday 30th October 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This knowledge exchange event showcased the state of the art in complex analysis methods and highlighted their current application in industrial settings, as well as where mathematical advances in this area are most needed

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Next Generation Research and Modelling for Landscape Decisions

Friday 2nd August 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

This day was open to all stakeholders. It aimed to identify the novel approaches and tools developed during the one month INI Research Programme which was particularly relevant for policy and practice, and to highlight what is required to make these new methods and tools more valuable for informing landscape decision-making.

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Challenges in Landscape Decision-making

Wednesday 3rd July 2019
Isaac Newton Institute

The focus for the day was matching the challenges faced by stakeholders involved in the management and planning of different landscape domains in the UK with advances in modelling approaches

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