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24th January 2023
09:30 to 10:00 Registration, Tea and Coffee
10:00 to 10:10 Welcome and Introduction Maha Kaouri (Isaac Newton Institute)
Kevin McConway (The Open University)
Session 1: Good Practice (Chair: Clare Merritt (Newton Gateway))
10:10 to 10:35 Reflections on Communicating Government Statistics for a Public Audience Martin Ralphs (Office for National Statistics)
10:35 to 11:00 Communicating Uncertainty in Official Statistics Mark Pont (Office for Statistics Regulation)
11:00 to 11:25 A Tiered Guide to Communicating Modelling, Not Models Volker Grimm (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ )
11:25 to 11:50 Tea and Coffee Break
11:50 to 12:15 Data Journalism & Audience Accessibility Anna Khoo (Office for National Statistics)
12:15 to 12:40 How Risk is Communicated in the Insurance Industry Shane Latchman (Verisk)
12:40 to 13:00 Questions and Discussion
13:00 to 13:50 Lunch
Session 2: Public Experience (Chair: David Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge))
13:50 to 14:15 More or Less Editorial Decisions Richard Vadon (BBC)
14:15 to 14:40 How do GPs Understand Diagnostic Tests? Jessica Watson (University of Bristol)
14:40 to 15:05 Lessons I've Learned in How to Bring Maths to the Masses Hannah Fry (University College London)
15:05 to 15:30 Tea and Coffee Break
15:30 to 15:55 What is the Point of Exchanging Reasons? Rowan Cruft (University of Stirling)
15:55 to 16:20 'Mere Spectacle for Idle Moments...' On the Origins of the Debate about Visual Embellishment in Graphical Display Murray Dick (Newcastle University)
16:20 to 16:45 Data Visualisation and Digital Accessibility: What We Can Do to Help Hannah Thomas (Government Analysis Function)
Hannah Thomas (Government Analysis Function)
16:45 to 17:00 Questions and Discussion
17:00 to 18:30 Networking Reception with Interactive Session (Chair: Timandra Harkness)
19:30 to 20:30 Dinner at Churchill College
25th January 2023
09:30 to 10:00 Tea and Coffee
Session 3: Pandemic and Other Emergencies (Chair: Timandra Harkness )
10:00 to 10:25 Trust, Time and Truth Rachel Thomas (University of Cambridge), (Plus Magazine)
10:25 to 10:50 Challenges in Communicating the Results of SAGE's Covid Modelling Tom Irving (University of Brighton), (Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
10:50 to 11:15 Tea and Coffee Break
11:15 to 11:40 Panel Discussion: Introduction from Panellists Sarah Rasmussen (University of Cambridge)
Ed Humpherson (Office for Statistics Regulation)
Nick Holliman (King's College London)
Mark Woolhouse (University of Edinburgh), (University of Edinburgh)
11:40 to 12:25 Panel Discussion: Questions and Discussion
12:25 to 13:15 Lunch
Session 4: Experience and Next Steps (Chair: Kevin McConway (The Open University)
13:15 to 13:40 Climate Change & Communicating Counterfactuals Emily Shuckburgh (University of Cambridge)
13:40 to 14:05 Good, and Not So Good, Experiences in Dealing with the Media David Spiegelhalter (University of Cambridge)
14:05 to 14:30 Talking Maths in Public: Popularisation of Mathematics Ben Sparks (University of Bath), (Advanced Mathematics Support Programme)
Katie Steckles (Sheffield Hallam University)
14:30 to 14:55 Tea and Coffee Break
14:55 to 15:10 Communicating Mathematics: The Role of the Publisher David Tranah (Cambridge University Press)
15:10 to 15:25 Launching a Statistics Book Series for a General Audience Rob Calver (Taylor & Francis Group)
15:25 to 15:45 Royal Statistical Society’s Statistical Ambassadors Programme Rob Mastrodomenico (Alchemax Analytics), (Royal Statistical Society)
15:45 to 16:30 Discussion and Next Steps (Chair: Christopher Budd (University of Bath)) Christie Marr (National Academy for the Mathematical Sciences)
Julia Gog (University of Cambridge)
Tom Whipple (The Times)
Mary Gregory (Office for National Statistics)
16:30 End