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13th November 2017
09:30 to 10:00 Arrival and Registration
10:00 to 10:05 Welcome to BAS and the Aurora Innovation Centre Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley (British Antarctic Survey)
10:05 to 10:15 Context and Opening Remarks Aleksey Marchenko (University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS))
Jeremy Wilkinson (British Antarctic Survey)
10:15 to 10:40 Breaking ice - the Challenges of Building Structures and Operating Ship sin Ice-infested Waters Dougal Goodman (Foundation for Science and Technology)
10:40 to 10:55 Sea Ice Changes in the Arctic and Antarctic John Turner (British Antarctic Survey)
10:55 to 11:10 New Technologies for Monitoring Sea Ice Properties Jeremy Wilkinson (British Antarctic Survey)
11:10 to 11:30 Tea and Coffee
11:30 to 11:45 Advances in Remote Sensing for Ship Operations Andrew Fleming (British Antarctic Survey)
11:45 to 12:15 Monitoring the Effects of Ice Forces with the Sir David Attenborough and Polar Code Captain Will Whatley (British Antarctic Survey)
Karianne Pran (Light Structures)
Captain Will Whatley (British Antarctic Survey)
Karianne Pran (Light Structures)
12:15 to 12:30 Risks for Arctic Shipping Mihailo Pavic (Lloyds Register)
12:30 to 13:30 Lunch and Posters
13:30 to 13:45 Ice Loads and Dynamic Response of Offshore Structures Gesa Ziemer (HSVA)
13:45 to 14:00 Challenges and Solutions for an Ice Strengthened Wharf in Rothera, Antarctica Helen Baker (Ramboll)
14:00 to 15:00 Open Discussion: Highlighting the Challenges and Potential Solutions for Present and Future Operations in the Arctic Marine Environment Dmitry Yumashev (Lancaster University, ICE-ARC)
15:00 to 15:10 Closing Remarks: Coffee available for continued networking