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2nd November 2021
Session 1: Understanding Behaviours
13:25 to 13:30 Zoom Room Opens
13:30 to 13:35 Welcome & Introduction Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
Edward Hill (University of Warwick)
Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
13:35 to 14:05 Translating Behavioural Science Principals and Evidence into Modelling for Extreme Events Brooke Rogers (King's College London)
14:05 to 14:35 The BBC Pandemic Programme Stephen Kissler (Harvard University), (University of Cambridge)
14:35 to 15:00 Contacts and Behaviours during the Covid-19 Pandemic Ellen Brooks Pollock (University of Bristol)
15:00 to 15:20 Coffee Break
15:20 to 15:40 Epidemiological Impacts of the NHS Covid-19 App Michelle Kendall (University of Warwick)
15:40 to 16:00 CoMix Study – Social Contact Survey in the UK Amy Gimma (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Chris Jarvis (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
16:00 to 16:30 Q&A/Discussion Edward Hill (University of Warwick)
Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
16:30 to 16:45 Session 1 Ends
4th November 2021
Session 2: Integrating Behaviours into Models
10:00 to 11:00 Coffee Morning Room
13:25 to 13:30 Zoom room opens
13:30 to 13:35 Welcome & Introduction Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
Edward Hill (University of Warwick)
Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
13:35 to 14:05 Modelling infectious disease transmission potential as a function of human behaviour Caroline Walters (HealthLumen)
14:05 to 14:35 Movement Data for Analysing Behaviour during the Pandemic Ed Manley (University of Leeds)
14:35 to 14:55 Coffee Break
14:55 to 15:25 Misinformation and Epidemics Kit Yates (University of Bath)
15:25 to 15:55 Integrated Disease Models that Account for Behavioural Factors / Progress since the 9 Challenges paper Sebastian Funk (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
15:55 to 16:30 Q&A/Discussion Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
Edward Hill (University of Warwick)
16:30 Session 2 ends
5th November 2021
Session 3: Using Behavioural Models to Inform Policy
10:00 to 11:00 Coffee Morning Room
13:25 to 13:30 Zoom room opens
13:30 to 13:35 Welcome & Introduction Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
13:35 to 14:05 Integrating Voluntary and Policy-Induced Behaviours into Models Eli Fenichel (Yale University)
14:05 to 14:35 Formulating Optimal Policies using Behavioural Models Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
14:35 to 14:55 Coffee Break
14:55 to 15:20 Combining Economic and Health Factors into Behavioural Models Michael Tildesley (University of Warwick)
15:20 to 15:45 The Roadmap Out of Lockdown: Accounting for Behaviour Rosanna Barnard (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
Nicholas Davies (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
15:45 to 16:00 Public Involvement in Mathematical and Economic Modelling Sophie Staniszewska (University of Warwick)
16:00 to 16:30 Q&A/Discussion Edward Hill (University of Warwick)
16:30 to 16:45 Session 3 ends