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The EPSRC Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare (CMIH) Hub

The EPSRC Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare (CMIH) Hub was launched in 2020. It focuses on some of the most challenging public health problems of our time, including Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia. There is a core mathematical component that is common to data challenges across these clinical disciplines, which the Hub will evaluate and address through its interdisciplinary collaborations. The overarching objective is to develop data analytics algorithms and provide the associated theory that is directly linked to the requirements in the clinic for healthcare decision making.

The Newton Gateway works as a delivery partner with the Centre's Director, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb,  and Coordinator, Josh Stevens,  to develop and deliver user engagement for them, to help enhance partner and end-user engagement and interaction. As part of this collaboration, the Gateway develops programmes of work, communicates activity and develops strategic relationships, to ensure effective translation from science to user. This helps partners to understand and gain consensus on the challenges that need to be overcome and facilitate other interdisciplinary collaborations to enrich the existing communities. As part of this activity, industry and academic engagement events are being delivered, building upon those delivered since 2016.

Launch Event of the Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare (CMIH), 4th & 5th May 2021. This was the first external engagement event of the CMIH Hub and aimed to bring together those working in mathematical healthcare data analytics across the UK, including academic, clinical, and industrial users with mathematicians working in similar areas.

Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare Hub (CMIH) Industry Round Table Afternoon, 4th May 2022
This was an invitation-only engagement event of the CMIH Hub and featured presentations from CMIH researchers followed by facilitated discussion with CMIH industry partners and explored opportunities for new collaborations and engagement. It included talks that highlighted open challenges and successes from CMIH Hub researchers and presented other potential collaborative opportunities, as well as projects being developed elsewhere related to healthcare data analytics. Talks focused on the key theme of the CMIH Hub, which is the development of robust and clinical applicable algorithms for analysing healthcare data in an integrated fashion.

Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare Hub (CMIH) - Academic Engagement Event, 26th July 2022
This academic event of the CMIH Hub will aim to bring together those working in mathematical healthcare data analytics across the UK, including academic, clinical, and industrial users with mathematicians working in similar areas. Talks will focus on the key theme of the CMIH Hub, which is the development of robust and clinical applicable algorithms for analysing healthcare data in an integrated fashion. It will include talks that highlight open challenges and successes from CMIH Hub researchers and present other potential collaborative opportunities, as well as projects being developed elsewhere related to healthcare data analytics. In addition, there will be the opportunity to hear from partner EPSRC Hubs for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare,

The current Centre builds upon the work of the  EPSRC Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare (CMIH) which was launched in March 2016. The original Centre was created following an announcement in December 2015 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of a £10 million investment in five new UK Research Centres. The remit of the Centres was to explore how mathematics and statistics can help clinicians to tackle serious health challenges such as cancer, heart disease and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Specifically, researchers developed new tools from predictive mathematical models to enable earlier diagnosis of chronic diseases such as epilepsy, and new systems to make clinical imaging more accurate and efficient.

The Gateway worked with the CMIH from 2016 - it was based at the University of Cambridge and aimed to achieve synergies between applied mathematics and statistics through the focus on the analysis of clinical imaging, particularly that arising in neurological, cardiovascular and oncology imaging. The Centre was a collaboration between mathematics, engineering, physics and biomedical scientists and clinicians.
Information about the events that were delivered can be seen on the relevant pages below.

  • EPSRC Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Multimodal Clinical Imaging - Launch Event. Tuesday 8th March 2016. This launch event introduced and outlined the Centre and the projects which applied cutting-edge mathematics and statistics to investigate problems in cardiovascular medicine, oncology, neuroscience, radiology and other clinical area.
  • Developments in Healthcare Imaging - Connecting with Industry, Wednesday 19th October 2016. This event was CMIH's first annual user engagement/industry day and featured presentations of  project collaborations.
  • Developments in Healthcare Imaging – Connecting with Academia, Wednesday 19th April 2017. This was CMIH's first annual academic engagement day and provided updates on the research collaborations taking place. 
  • Developments in Healthcare Imaging - Connecting with Industry, Wednesday 18th October 2017. This 2nd industry engagement day featured presentations from CMIH Industry Partners, including GSK and Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems.​
  • Developments in Healthcare Imaging - Connecting with Academia, Wednesday 2nd May 2018. This 2nd annual academic conference was delivered in partnership with the Liverpool Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare (LCMH).
  • Developments in Healthcare Imaging - Connecting with Industry, Wednesday 17th October 2018. The 3rd industry engagement day included talks from industrial partners, including AstraZeneca, Feedback Medical Ltd, Motilent, Future Processing and included a poster competition for Early Career Researchers. 
  • Achieving Impact in Healthcare: From Mathematics to Clinical Support Systems and Devices, Wednesday 10th April 2019 - Thursday 11th April 2019. This joint workshop of the five EPSRC Mathematics for Healthcare Centres focused on translating mathematical research into technological advances, as well as outreach and linkage with clinicians and end-user companies. It presented the opportunity to hear in detail about the project collaborations, research and outcomes from each Centre.
  • Artificial Intelligence Developments in Healthcare Imaging, 23rd - 24th October 2019This user engagement event focussed on artificial intelligence and provided an update on some of the research projects and collaborations taking place in the CMIH. It featured presentations from CMIH researchers and Industry Partners, as well as other academics and end users in the public sector and industry. A number of industry challenges and collaborations were highlighted in an elevator pitch session.​