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Presented by: 
Mihailo Pavic (Lloyds Register)
Monday, November 13, 2017 - 12:15 to 12:30
No Room Required

Light Structures will present the fiber optic Ice Load Monitoring system that is planned for installation on the Sir Richard Attenborough. We will discuss the scope of monitoring, the proposed real-time processing and presentation of results onboard. An overview of the available parameters will be presented with a discussion of which ones may be interesting to share with Vessel Monitoring System and possibly other systems onboard. Some examples of results from similar installations on previous projects will be shown as illustrations of the performance that is expected for the ILM system on Sir David Attenborough.

Presentation will be given by Mrs. Karianne PRAN Karianne is a co-founder of Light Structures AS and has held the position of Director of Technology 2001-2003, Managing Director from 2004-2008 and VP Engineering 2010-. Before starting Light Structures, Karianne worked as a scientist at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment in projects that developed Fiber Bragg Grating sensors and hull stress monitoring systems. She holds a Master of Science ( degree in Engineering Physics from the Norwegian Institute of Technology.

Captain Will Whatley joined the Merchant Navy after leaving school; beginning by undertaking a cadetship sponsored by Trinity House (the UK’s lighthouse authority). At the age of 19, he qualified as an Officer of the Watch and joined the British Antarctic Survey. Since then will has worked his way up the ranks gaining all of the necessary certification to take him from Third Officer to Captain, on numerous trips to Antarctica. He is a Yeoman of Trinity House and a Freeman of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.

During the last 9 years, working for BAS Will has worked in ice on the Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell, Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas. In addition, he has recently completed two traverses of the Northwest Passage in RRS Ernest Shackleton, safely guiding the cruise ship Crystal Serenity through the passage, including icebreaker convoy work.

In May 2017, he was appointed as one of the Masters of RRS Sir David Attenborough. Will has been working on this Project since April 2016 to date during the vessel's construction reviewing drawings, queries, documentation and inspecting the build.

He is currently building and outfitting his own aluminium expedition yacht for cruising in high latitudes and a circumnavigation of the Americas.