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Convincing scam alert

We have been made aware of a convincing email scam that is focusing on our events at the Newton Gateway and at Isaac Newton Institute Programme and Workshop participants. Participants may receive an email from a firm called Expo Hotel Services (  or Traveller Point ( to arrange accommodation for workshops and/or programmes. This might include a request to provide them with credit card information.

Please note, INI or the Newton Gateway to Mathematics will never ask for your card details. We take all payments via the University of Cambridge Online store

If you have been contacted by this company please contact us as soon as possible.


Newton Gateway Events

The Newton Gateway to Mathematics delivers activity across a broad range of sectors and engages in partnership with the users of mathematics - academics from other disciplines, those from industry and the public sector. 
Activities are bespoke and may originate from the need to address a specific technical issue or look for a better solution. Alternatively, they could be in response to the need to obtain ideas for next generation solutions from mathematicians involved in frontier research.

Activities take a number of forms:

  • Events - workshops and consultations
  • Training programmes
  • Short to medium-term research programmes
  • Projects

The Newton Gateway delivers Open for Business knowledge exchange events on behalf of the Isaac Newton Institute. These are specifically designed to bring together industrial, commercial and government organisations with mathematical scientists and can be run as part of an ongoing research programme, or as an independent event.


Past Events

Evidence Based Decisions for UK Landscapes

Monday 17th September 2018 to Tuesday 18th September 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

The mathematical sciences are of fundamental importance to solving many ongoing problems across numerous scientific, societal and economic areas and never more so than today, where ‘big data’ continues to increase exponentially and uncertainty and risk predominate. 

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3rd Edwards Symposium - New Horizons in Soft Matter

Wednesday 5th September 2018 to Friday 7th September 2018
Centre for Mathematical Sciences

This Series is both a tribute to the life and work of Professor Sir Sam Edwards FRS, one of the great scientific minds of the 20th Century, and a recognition of the fast evolving and diverse nature of soft matter science. Sir Sam’s played a pivotal role in bringing advances in the physical sciences to bear on major industrial problems. His fundamental contributions to the field of soft matter ranged from polymer melts, through gels, colloids, granular materials and glasses to optimisation problems.

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Statistical Scalability for Streaming Data

Thursday 21st June 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

Challenges in streaming data arise in numerous fields – consumer products, financial transactions, computer network traffic, transport and communications networks and energy systems are just some of them. As with statistical scaling generally, this requires an integrated approach.

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Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems – Development in Theory and Methodologies

Friday 15th June 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a modern inter-disciplinary science that cuts across traditional research groups and combines statistics, numerical analysis and computational applied mathematics.
This workshop was part of the six month programme at the INI on  Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Systems: Theory and Methodologies and took place towards the end of the Programme,, it focused on disseminating the key outputs and highlighted some potential outcomes that could be taken forward. 

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The Mathematics of Machine Learning - A Research Conference of the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information

Thursday 24th May 2018
Isaac Newton Institute

This one day conference brought together those academics working to advance data science and provided an update on research and collaborations taking place at CCIMI, associated challenges and other potential collaborative opportunities, it also highlighted projects being developed elsewhere related to machine learning.

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