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27th July 2021
12:30 to 13:30 Registration and Lunch
13:30 to 13:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks (background to the programme) Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
Chris Williams (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory)
Session 1: Plenary – CEME Programme & Achievements
13:40 to 13:50 The Programme of Work and Plans for 2021-22
13:50 to 14:05 The story so far - workshops, challenges and projects
14:05 to 14:30 Success Story 1 - Detecting Illicit Mesh Networks Will Handley (University of Cambridge)
14:30 to 14:55 Success Story 2 - Optimum Sensor Placement Will Handley (University of Cambridge)
Justin Ward (Queen Mary University of London)
14:55 to 15:15 Tea/Coffee Break
15:15 to 15:55 Success Story 3 - Escape the Sensor: Two Approaches Joerg Fliege (University of Southampton)
John Beasley (Brunel University)
15:55 to 16:20 Success Story 4 - Weak Transient Signal Detection via a Polynomial Eigenvalue Decomposition Stephan Weiss (University of Strathclyde)
16:20 to 17:00 Panel Discussion - Projects and Further Research Ideas
17:00 to 18:00 Networking and Drinks Reception
19:00 to 22:00 Dinner
28th July 2021
Session 2: New Challenges & Building the Community
09:30 to 09:35 Feedback from Yesterday
09:35 to 10:00 Building the Community - KHub Claire Bonner (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
Richard Claridge (PA Consulting)
Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
10:00 to 10:35 Challenge 1 – Resilience of Closed Protocols
10:35 to 11:10 Challenge 2 - Finding the Hops
11:10 to 11:30 Tea/Coffee Break
11:30 to 12:05 Challenge 3 - Optimal Task Assignment in a Swarm
12:05 to 12:50 Discussion and Closing Remarks
12:50 to 13:30 Lunch and Finish