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23rd October 2014
09:30 to 10:00 Registration, Tea and Coffee
10:00 to 10:10 Welcome and Introduction Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
John Toland (University of Cambridge), (University of Bath), (Isaac Newton Institute)
10:10 to 10:20 Introduction to the topics David Hand (Imperial College London)
10:20 to 10:30 Research Council Perspective - Overview and Priorities Maria Sigala (EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
10:30 to 10:40 Research Council Perspective - Overview and Priorities Mark Pitman (MRC Biostatistics Unit)
10:40 to 11:05 Review of Current Approaches for Socio-Economic Linked Data and Challenges Christopher Dibben (University of Edinburgh)
11:05 to 11:30 Review of Current Approaches for Medical/Health Linked Data and Challenges Paul Burton (University of Bristol), (Newcastle University)
11:30 to 11:50 Tea and Coffee Break
11:50 to 12:15 Privacy and Personal Data - A Private Sector Perspective Clive Humby (None / Other)
12:15 to 12:40 Challenges of Data Linkage and Anonymisation in Government: an Energy Statistician's Perspective Mary Gregory (BEIS - Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy)
12:40 to 13:15 Discussion Session
13:15 to 14:15 Lunch
14:15 to 14:35 Technical Talk 1 - Record Linkage as a Missing Data Problem Harvey Goldstein (University of Bristol), (University College London)
14:35 to 14:55 Technical Talk 2 - Privacy Preserving Probabilistic Record Linkage Natalie Shlomo (University of Manchester)
14:55 to 15:15 Discussion Session
15:15 to 15:30 Tea and Coffee
15:30 to 15:50 Technical Talk 3 - Differential Privacy Marco Gaboardi (University at Buffalo)
15:50 to 16:10 Technical Talk 4 - Synthetic Data Robin Mitra (Lancaster University - Mathematics and Statistic Dept.)
16:10 to 17:00 Questions, Answers and Discussion Session
17:00 to 18:00 Wine Reception