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9th April 2024
10:00 to 10:30 Registration
Session 1: 1
10:30 to 10:45 Welcome and Introduction to Prob_AI Paul Fearnhead (Lancaster University)
10:45 to 11:25 A discussion on Probabilistic AI, Large Models, and AI in Industry Zoubin Ghahramani (University of Cambridge), (Google DeepMind Technologies Limited)
11:25 to 12:00 Neural Networks From A Continuum Perspective Matthew Thorpe (University of Warwick)
12:00 to 13:00 Lunch
Session 2: 2
13:00 to 13:25 Machine Learning for Uncertainty Quantification in Earth-System Modelling Hannah Christensen (University of Oxford)
13:25 to 13:50 Scalable Bayesian Inference with Annealing Algorithms Saifuddin Syed (University of Oxford)
13:50 to 14:15 Bayesian Deep Learning for Galaxy Classification Anna Scaife (University of Manchester)
14:15 to 14:40 Graph-based Statistical Causality and Decision Making Silvia Chiappa (Google DeepMind Technologies Limited), (University College London)
14:40 to 15:30 Tea and Coffee Break
Session 3: 3
15:30 to 15:55 Physics-constrained Emulators Aretha Teckentrup (University of Edinburgh)
15:55 to 16:20 A Probabilistic View of the LLM Residual Stream James Hensman (Microsoft Research - Cambridge)
16:20 Plenary and Finish