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27th April 2022
09:50 to 10:00 Zoom Room Opens
10:00 to 10:10 Welcome and Introduction Jane Leeks (Newton Gateway to Mathematics)
Ciara Dangerfield (University of Cambridge), (University of Cambridge)
Trystan Leng (University of Warwick)
Session 1: Lessons Learned – School to Community Transmission (Chair: Ciara Dangerfield - JUNIPER Consortium)
10:10 to 10:35 Talk 1 - Reflections on using community data to evaluate the potential wider impact of school-based SARS-CoV-2 transmission James Munday (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
10:35 to 11:00 Talk 2 – Inferring the Role of School Children in Bringing Infection into Households Thomas House (University of Manchester)
11:00 to 11:25 Talk 3 – Modelling the Impact of School and Community-related Measures to Control COVID-19 Ganna Rozhnova (University Medical Center Utrecht), (BioISI)
11:25 to 11:45 Tea and Coffee Break
Session 2: Lessons Learned – Within-School Measures (Chair: Ganna Rozhnova (University Medical Center Utrecht)
11:45 to 12:10 Talk 4 –Protocols to Control Transmission Within Schools Vittoria Colizza (INSERM)
12:10 to 12:35 Talk 5 – Calibrating School Models to Cluster Tracing Data Jana Lasser (Graz University of Technology)
12:35 to 13:00 Talk 6 – TraCK - Transmission of Covid-19 in Kids Study Shiranee Sriskandan (Imperial College London)
13:00 to 14:00 Lunch
Session 3: Lessons Learned – Wider Impacts (Chair: James Munday (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
14:00 to 14:25 Talk 7 – Impact of School Closures Due to COVID-19: Learning Loss and Inequality Arun Frey (University of Oxford)
14:25 to 14:50 Talk 8 – Impact of Covid-19 on Children and Young People’s Mental Health: What Do We Know and What Are the Implications for Schools? Tamsin Newlove-Delgado (University of Exeter)
14:50 to 15:15 Talk 9 – A Policy Perspective Osama Rahman (Department for Education)
15:15 to 15:30 Tea and Coffee Break
Session 4: Open Questions/Panel (Chair: Trystan Leng (University of Warwick)
15:30 to 16:30 Panel Discussion Jasmina Panovska-Griffiths (University of Oxford), (University College London)
Jonathan Read (Lancaster University)
Michael Tildesley (University of Warwick)
Osama Rahman (Department for Education)
16:30 Finish