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Thursday 5th September 2024

This Open for Business event is part of an INI programme on Stochastic Systems for Anomalous Diffusion and it is taking part within the workshop Modelling and Applications of Anomalous Diffusions. It aims to provide a meeting ground to facilitate interactions and exchanges between representatives of academia, research and industry, relevant to the theme, with the objective of identifying points of mutual interest and possible co-activity. 


The term “anomalous diffusion” was initially introduced in physics literature to characterise the asymptotics of a moving particle diverging significantly from the classical (Markov, homogeneous) case of Brownian motion. These deviations mirror the complexities of nature, where processes may be history dependent, such as in systems involving learning or resource depletion, or may occur in the presence of inert physical interactions resulting from spatial heterogeneities such as permeable or impenetrable barriers and environmental anisotropy.
This Open for Business day will focus on how, when and why anomalous diffusions are used to model real-worlds systems, in the context of specific examples coming from a range of applications, such as climate modelling and cell movement. This workshop aims to bridge the gap between the applied and theoretical communities, facilitating the exchange of ideas and exploring new avenues for mutual benefit, by bringing together some of the most prominent researchers from each area.

Aims & Objectives 

The planned activities of the day gear towards this goal include a series of talks from representatives of industry, academia and the public sector on applications of anomalous diffusions.

The event will run from 9.15 – 18.00. All timings are GMT.

Registration and Venue 

Registration for this event is open.

Participants of the workshop SSDW05 'Modelling and Applications of Anomalous Diffusions' do not need to register for this Open for Business day. 

The workshop will take place at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Please visit the Isaac Newton Institute website for further information about the venue.

To maximise networking opportunities and interaction with speakers and other participants, we strongly encourage in-person attendance to this workshop. However, this event was also hosted as hybrid via Zoom.