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17th July 2024
09:00 to 09:20 Registration, Tea and Coffee
09:20 to 09:30 Welcome and Introduction Sotirios Sabanis (University of Edinburgh), (The Alan Turing Institute), (National Technical University of Athens)
Sofia Sanz Del Pino (Isaac Newton Institute)
09:30 to 10:20 Transformers For Scientific Machine Learning Andrew Stuart (CALTECH (California Institute of Technology))
10:20 to 10:50 Generative AI in Industry: Current Utility and Emerging Trends Imran Nasim (IBM Research)
10:50 to 11:20 Tea and Coffee Break
11:20 to 12:10 Masking Diffusion Models for Discrete Data Arnaud Doucet (University of Oxford), (Google DeepMind Technologies Limited)
12:10 to 12:25 Revealing Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models through Self-Consistency Olga Loginova (University of Trento)
12:25 to 13:40 Lunch
13:40 to 14:25 Why Did You Do That? Use Actual Causality to Explain the Problems (or the Lack of Problems) in Your Life Hana Chockler (King's College London)
14:25 to 14:55 TBC Salman Arif (RBC Capital Markets)
14:55 to 15:20 Tea and Coffee Break
15:20 to 16:05 Langevin-Based Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization and its Application in Finance Dong-Young Lim (Ulsan national institute of science and technology (UNIST) )
16:05 to 16:55 Bayesian Inverse Problems with Denoising Diffusion Prior Eric François Moulines (Ecole Polytechnique Paris)
16:50 to 17:00 Final Remarks Ying Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) )
Sotirios Sabanis (University of Edinburgh), (The Alan Turing Institute), (National Technical University of Athens)