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The spread of COVID-19 presented great challenges for organisations such as the Newton Gateway as activity takes place with those from industry and academia from across the globe and for whom collaboration is a regular and important part of their working lives. 

In order to maintain the highest standards, INI policies follow the UK Government’s guidance and that of the University of Cambridge’s Safety Office at all times.The welfare of our visitors and staff is very important to us and further details about COVID-19 safety measures can be seen on the INI website.

Please do keep in touch and let us know if you have any questions - either direct to one of the Gateway team or via our main email address.

Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences

The Newton Gateway to Mathematics, Isaac Newton Institute (INI), International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) and Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) are working with various representatives from the mathematical sciences community to develop a virtual forum for knowledge exchange in the mathematical sciences.
The main aim is to identify a range of virtual approaches that will help address challenges from business and industry, the third sector, and other groups outside academia. These challenges may be long-standing or may have arisen directly as a consequence of the present disruption to UK society.
More details available here.