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Tuesday 12th November 2024

Isaac Newton Institute

United Kingdom

This Open for Business event is part of an INI programme on Quantum Information, Quantum Groups and Operator Algebras. It aims to provide a meeting ground to facilitate interactions and exchanges between representatives of academia, research and industry, relevant to the theme, with the objective of identifying points of mutual interest and possible co-activity. 


Quantum mechanics has provided a set of principles that can be used to envision, program, and build a new type of computers and information processing devices. Such quantum technologies can bring dramatic advantages when it comes to computing, security, simulation and other applications. The full range of the possibilities remain unknown at present as the identification of optimal quantum protocols and understanding the dynamics of quantum devices are tied to complex mathematical problems. To address this, we need to develop new mathematical tools and theory that will allow us to identify and realize the advantages that quantum technologies can provide.

Aims & Objectives 

The aim of this Open for Business event is to showcase the mathematical problems and challenges that start-ups and other enterprises encounter in the context of quantum computing and cryptography. The planned activities of the day gear towards this goal include a series of talks from representatives of industry, academia and the public sector.

The event will run from 10.00 – 17.00. All timings are GMT.

Registration and Venue  

Registration for this event is open.

The workshop will take place at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Please visit the Isaac Newton Institute website for further information about the venue.

To maximise networking opportunities and interaction with speakers and other participants, we strongly encourage in-person attendance to this workshop. However, this event was also hosted as hybrid via Zoom.