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Tuesday 13th August 2024

Isaac Newton Institute

United Kingdom

This Open for Business event takes part within the INI programme on Modelling and Inference for Pandemic Preparedness and aims to provide a meeting ground to facilitate interactions and exchanges between representatives of academia, research and industry, relevant to the theme, with the objective of identifying points of mutual interest and possible co-activity.


The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in huge health, economic and societal costs both in the UK and globally. As we now move forward, governments across the world are reflecting on how to be better prepared for future pandemic threats, so as to minimise the devastating impacts caused. This event will highlight the key policy questions for pandemic preparedness both in the UK and globally and identify the ways in which mathematical and statistical modelling can help to address these challenges.

Aims & Objectives 

This Open for Business day will follow the workshop on Model-based inference and prediction. It will bring together public health professionals, industry and epidemiology modellers to identify key areas where mathematical modelling can support public health policy to improve pandemic preparedness.

Key themes covered include:

  • Vaccine development and deployment.

  • The role of diagnostics for surveillance and control.

  • Cost effectiveness of controls and therapeutics.

This event is being organised in collaboration with the JUNIPER Partnership.


Registration and Venue 

Registration for this event is open.

The workshop will take place at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Please visit the Isaac Newton Institute website for further information about the venue.

To maximise networking opportunities and interaction with speakers and other participants, we strongly encourage in-person attendance to this workshop. However, this event was also hosted as hybrid via Zoom.