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Wednesday 15th March 2023 to Thursday 16th March 2023

Robinson College

United Kingdom

This two-day event presented 6 problem statements developed by Dstl that have been taken forward as part of a Dstl funding call for short project delivery later in the year.


Dstl is the one of the UK’s principal government organisations dedicated to science and technology in the defence and security field. It supplies specialist services to MOD and wider government, working collaboratively with external partners in industry and academia worldwide, providing expert research, specialist advice and invaluable operational support.

Aims and Objectives

In response to the recent UK Integrated Review which committed billions of investment into science and technology over the next five years, scientists from Dstl are currently shaping the next research portfolio.
This event gave mathematicians the opportunity to hear about a series of challenge statements that Dstl is trying to solve for its stakeholders. Problem owners presented a series of challenge statements and were available to discuss and brainstorm the challenges with participants. The aim of this event was to enable mathematicians to gain a greater understanding of the challenge and generate ideas for solutions. Following the event up to £50,000 is available for follow on work on each challenge.
The challenges that were presented are listed below and more detailed challenge abstracts will be made available soon.

  • Sampling cyber data
  • Network alignment and matching
  • Recreating time series from Allan Deviation
  • Image reconstruction from rotating apertures
  • Propagation of uncertainty under non-linear transforms
  • Constrained allocation of sensors.

 During the event Dstl explained the funding call and explain the R-Cloud process, which will be used for the online application process for the funding.
Please see the link for the programme for an indication of timings.

Registration and Venue

As well as some established domain experts, participants for this event came from a number of diverse fields including (but not limited to) signal processing, optimisation, operational research, imaging and vision, control theory, wave theory, machine learning, electrical and communications engineering.
 The workshop took place at Robinson College.  

Registration is now closed. Please contact for any queries.